Friday, February 8, 2008

B-Day--Friday, February 8, 2008

Nothing tells your Valentine that you care for them like a subscription to The Economist!!

DUE: POETRY UNIT (how to read a poem, focus on language, focus on meaning, focus on sound and structure....worth 50 points)

1. Silent Reading

2. Proofreading #3 (due next time!)

3. Analyze Poem-- "anyone lived in a pretty how town" by e.e. cummings

4. Get handout on how to do a metaphor poem--write your metaphor poem

5. Create Alliteration Poem with group

Next Thursday you have your poetry book due! This is an original book of poems that you type up, illustrate, design a cover for, and put together. It is worth 80 points. This is the order your poems should go in:

1. Narrative Poem (childhood memory)

2. Alliteration Poem

3. Limerick

4. Haiku

5. Metaphor Poem

You get 30 points for a cover, illustrations, and neatness

You may put one original poem in that you have written for 10 points of extra credit!


Anonymous said...

Hey Miss B i read the blog.
-Cortney Hender

Anonymous said...

Miss Bee,
I read your Blog


Ashton said...

i want to appologise in advance for my lack of capitalization missspelled words and lack of punctuation

ashton clay